Remember Howard Walker’s story about the new complex that he called “a Four Seasons for your Ferrari?” We covered WheelBase Premium Garage Condos in our Home Design Issue because it seemed a unique architectural combination: housing for cars and a comfortable place to hang out for car owners.
Well, if that piqued your interest and you haven’t yet rushed down to Sarasota to snag a spot for your Maserati, Friday night’s your chance to check it out. WHEELS At Wheel Base Grand Opening and Car Show is the facility’s kickoff event— an opportunity for car owners and enthusiasts to showcase and view classic, exotic, luxury and super cars while enjoying food, drinks, and live music. And it’s free! It’s an open air/outdoor event but social distancing and masks are requested; CDC guidelines pertaining to COVID-19 will be followed.
1600 Sarasota Center Blvd., Sarasota. Fri., Oct. 30, 5-8 p.m., For info call 941-356-7718, or RSVP to