Registry Tampa Bay

There’s a raft of intriguing exhibits opening today at the Dunedin Fine Art Center.

Vespertine (through 12/24) is “an exhibition of artworks that incorporate the daylit logic of scientific and technological concepts or processes into their creation, while probing the shadowed and paradoxical possibilities of the unknown, incomprehensibly small or large, and combinatory.” OK, I don’t know what that means exactly (“daylit?”), but it’s curated by the reliably brilliant Nathan Beard, so it’s undoubtedly worth a visit.

In Heroes + Sheroes (through 12/24), artists get to shine the light “on those who’ve shown us the light.” Featuring Joan Duff Bohrer + Stephen Dunn, Ronny Elliott + his Many Heroes, Andre Perache Heller + Nikki Pike, Hilary DePolo + Ada Loving.

DFAC’s Wearable Art fashion extravaganza won’t be happening this year, but they’ve come up with an appealing substitute: PHANTOMS and Bandits: Wearable Art Designers–Seen/Unseen (through 10/24), which will feature video and photo highlights of past Wearable Art shows along with specially made mask-inspired creations by Wearable Art designers.

We all need a little hug, these days, don’t we, even if it’s just to hug a mug? Hold Me  (through 12/24) is an invitational exhibit of cups, mugs, chalices, tumblers, yunomis, bowls and assorted vessels by contemporary ceramic artists from around the nation.

Finally, see what the kids were up to at DFAC’s Summer Art Academy in MAD SCIENCE (through 10/18 at the Kokolakis Family Youth Gallery) and get your own little ones into the act in the David L. Mason Children’s Art Museum, where an  interactive hands-on experience for 4.5- to 12-year-olds (also called MAD SCIENCE, through 8/13/21) provides an environment where they can explore the wonders of science.

PS: While you’re at DFAC, you can also still catch two shows we’ve previously recommended, Velvet Elvis and Between Us, both open through 10/18.

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