Registry Tampa Bay

He’s the man! The one and only Paul Wilborn! Except there can’t really be just one, can there, because how does one man do all this stuff? Here’s our dRTB Live! interview with the Palladium exec, arts maven, cabaret star, journalist, raconteur, and now published short story writer, talking about his first book, Cigar City: Tales from a 1980s Creative Ghetto. It’s terrific, for many reasons we discuss in the interview. 

P.S.: Paul is also the guest on this week’s edition of Beauty and the ’Burg, Cindy Stovall’s always fascinating podcast. She’s recording the show live tonight, June 5, at 6 p.m. at the Iberian Rooster in downtown St. Pete, where she does a great job pulling together visuals, conversation and audience interaction in an intimate setting.

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