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A to Z: duPont Registry Tampa Bay’s encyclopedia of luxury

“A to Z: The Ultimate Luxury Lifestyles List” is duPont Registry Tampa Bay‘s first-ever compendium of the best our region has to offer for fans of luxury living. The list is organized by category: D is for Dining, R is for Resorts, etc., and under each letter we single out top-of-the-line examples in the category. Return to throughout the summer to see the next letter on The List, or read the entire list (and the entire July/August issue) in its digital version, on a coffee table, or in a bookstore near you.

A to Z: Q is for…. Quiet Places

In these noisiest of times, finding peace and quiet is a true luxury. Try taking refuge in one of these these dR-suggested oases of calm:

A to Z: Q is for Quiet Places

Though public libraries have become hubs for e-learning, and bookstores are as much about coffee and conversation these days as about books, you’re bound to find quiet niches in which to relax at your local library or bookstore.

A to Z: Q is for Quiet Places

Escape into a jungle right in the heart of Downtown St. Pete. In Sunken Gardens, the city’s oldest living museum, some of the plants are over 100 years old and some of the flamingos are well into middle age — and you know how senior citizens like their peace and quiet.

A to Z: Q is for Quiet Places

Tread softly along the six miles of trails and boardwalks in the Boyd Hill Nature Preserve — 245 acres of unique ecosystems, including willow marsh, pine flatwoods and an awe-inspiring array of wildlife, from tortoises to butterflies.

A to Z: Q is for Quiet Places

You’d never know it from the urban hubbub along downtown Tampa’s riverfront, but the Upper Hillsborough offers multiple opportunities to escape into the wild.

A to Z: Q is for Quiet Places

Of course, when life’s just getting too loud, you can always step inside a church — like, for instance, this historic beauty in Downtown St. Pete.

Want more A to Z?

Find the complete “A to Z List” in the July/August issue of duPont Registry Tampa Bay on a coffee table or in a bookstore near you.

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