Registry Tampa Bay

A to Z: The Ultimate Luxury Lifestyles List is duPont Registry Tampa Bay‘s annual compendium of the best our region has to offer. Each year we choose a different set of categories and then select businesses that are top-of-the-line in each category. This year: Art to Zinfandel (and everything luxurious in between). How’d you like to tour Tuscany and the Alps in a 2020 Porsche with stays at 5-star hotels and the chance to prove your driving mettle on the Autobahn? That’s just one of the many Porsche Driving Tours offered by Oldsmar-based Fast Lane Travel. (Watch our dRTB Live interview with Fast Lane Travel’s Peter Sontag for more details.) Do you dream of visiting Paris for the first time — or experiencing it anew? Then you will love American Concierge, a Tampa- and NYC-based company that arranges personalized itineraries for American visitors geared to their specific interests, guided by Americans living in Paris. Do you like the idea of world travel that helps change the world? Then consider a private 5-day African experience as a donor to Water 4 Mercy, a nonprofit founded by Clearwater businesswoman Nermine Rubin that is dedicated to bringing life-giving water and drip irrigation farming to remote African villages. During the trip, donors join the celebrations as the taps are opened and clean water flows for the first time.

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