Editor’s Note: For the 2021 edition of duPont Registry Tampa Bay’s Health & Happiness Issue, we asked an assortment of funny people “What makes you laugh?”
Few people generate more laughs on a daily basis than Hal Freedman, who’s a champ at aggregating giggle-worthy memes, jokes, cartoons and political commentary in his must-read Facebook posts. Here’s what most tickles his fancy:
Hal Freedman, Realtor, arts supporter, meme connoisseur
What makes me laugh? Interesting question…
I laugh a lot; I laugh at things that are funny-ha-ha and at things that are peculiar-ha-ha. I am not easily offended, so pretty much anything is fair game… I try to be careful not to offend others, to an extent. I sometimes “push the envelope, but as hard as I push, it is still stationery.” Oh yeah, I laugh at puns.
I laugh at hypocrisy… politics, religion. I guess what I look for is a surprise, a story or joke that ends in a way I didn’t expect. For example:
Two golfers are out on the links. As a funeral procession drives by on a nearby road, one of them takes off his hat, lowers his head, and is silent. His golfing partner says he never knew his friend was so sentimental about funerals. The first golfer says, “Well, we were married for 30 years.”