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Editor’s Note: For the 2021 edition of duPont Registry Tampa Bay’s Health & Happiness Issue, we asked an assortment of funny people “What makes you laugh?” First up: Jim Sorensen, the rare leading man who can also bring the funny, as anyone can attest who caught his hilarious Dwight Schrute in the recent parody of “The Officefrom Ruth Eckerd Hall.

Jim Sorensen, actor

Dave Barry got me going early on. And “Calvin & Hobbes.” And “The Far Side.” (“Beware of Doug” makes me giggle to this day.) And Emo Phillips: “You know what I hate? Indian givers. No, I take that back.”

Deep Thoughts by Jack Handey. Sh*t my Dad Says (the book) by Justin Halpern.

Our dog, Chloe the Rescue Lab. This pup likes to play a game we call “footie,” where she tugs on a toy, and I try to hold onto it while trying to touch her feet. She jumps back, lands on her face with the toy still firmly entrenched between her teeth. I laugh… every time.

Videos of people falling. It’s sadistic, but I can’t help it — they’re hilarious.

Tracy Morgan as Tracy Jordan on 30 Rock

My wife, Natalie Symons. I don’t know if she always knows why she’s funny, but she just is. And her laughter is BIG and LOUD and INFECTIOUS.

And poop.

(I’ll admit it, I’m a child.)

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